Food Plots
Food Plots
Land Management Gets a New Look with Mobile Map Annotation App
March 07, 2021 by Arc News
Spring Creek Outdoors, LLC, is a 15-year-old wildlife and habitat consulting company based in Texas. Its offerings include conducting wildlife population assessments, making harvest recommendations, hosting seminars, and doing appraisals, but its true focus is on education. When the company first began employing ArcGIS technology in 2017, for instance, it used the software to create visualizations that helped teach landowners and land managers how to better understand their properties, as well as how to provide the support their lands needed to thrive.
Read MoreFood Plot Experiment: San Saba County
December 01, 2018 by Macy Ledbetter
Background information:
Four deep sandy soil food plots were plowed and planted on the Ledbetter Ranch in northern San Saba County. Topography is slightly rolling throughout, but each food plot was basically flat or terraced throughout. Two separate large plots were divided in half length-wise and planted with different species for comparison purposes. Right down the center of each large field, one narrow strip was planted (hand broadcasted) to plant both turnips and rape. Exclosures were constructed at each intersection to fairly and equitably judge plant success and deer preferences. One long and narrow field was planted with a mixture of wheat and oats together and one exclosure used in the center of the field. One small plot, the Game Patch, was planted via hand broadcaster with Austrian Winter Peas, Madrid and Mixed Clover Seed. This plot was very small and no exclosures were present.
What are the Differences Between a Nutritional Food Plot and an Attractant Food Plot?
February 25, 2018 by Macy Ledbetter
Food plots are planted primarily for two reasons: 1) to provide a nutritional supplement to deer during times of nutritional stress or when native browse is low in quality or availability, and 2) to attract or concentrate deer for viewing or hunting purposes. This concept is similar to using protein pellets for a nutritional supplement and corn as an attractant. A food plot by itself is not a cure-all or magic fix for any problem in deer management, just as feeding protein or corn is not a silver bullet for what ails your deer herd. These are all just tools to be used in conjunction with others–parts to the whole of a well-rounded plan.
Read MoreThe Fall Armyworm
August 13, 2016 by Macy Ledbetter
Attention all farmers, ranchers, and deer hunters. The fall armyworms are here once again and causing problems for everyone. Damaging populations of the pests have been reported in north, central, and south Texas again this year, especially on newly established small grain pastures (food plots) and established bermudagrass fields.
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